
The Noctua Solution

The Noctua Solution has been developed with the specific purpose of delivering process improvements and managing change.

It is a full-service package that is a catalyst for transformation! We don’t just manage change, we create a seamless transition by; identifying the Need, Observing the now, Consulting on the what, when and how, providing the necessary Training to embed the changes and ensuring Understanding and Acceptance by all those involved, ready for the next step; Measuring Success!


Our initial consultation determines the needs of your company from; reviewing and improving existing processes to creating new processes and procedures, how the changes will be communicated to your workforce, how best to deliver training and how the results of the change will be measured.

Held at your offices or via telephone or Skype call.


A Noctua consultant will attend your office to work as part of your team; observing the current processes and procedures, identifying gaps and improvements and documenting the findings.

Held at your offices.


At the end of the last day of observation, the Noctua consultant will meet with your company's representatives to discuss the findings and agree the next steps for creating the new processes, procedures, training and metrics reporting.

Held at your offices.


Before the new processes and procedures are embedded, training will be provided to ensure the successful transition and to build team confidence, increase productivity and improve efficiency.

Held at your offices, the training can be delivered through one-to-one or classroom training.


A key element to the Noctua solution is the reassurance that, before closing off the project, everyone involved fully understands the changes and their benefits.

Delivery will depend on your requirements and may include; in-house meeting(s) or forum(s), a Skype conference, email(s) or blog, where individuals can read updates, provide feedback and ask questions.


During the final consultation, the Noctua consultant, will confirm completion of the deliverables; updated processes and procedures, training and engagement. Lessons learnt will be discussed, along with the next steps on measuring the results and acceptance of project completion.

Held at your offices or via telephone or Skype call.

To find out more about our services fill in our contact form and we will be in touch.