
Departmental Training

When a change is introduced it can often affect more than one department. Managing this change and the knock-on effects can be difficult. As part of the Noctua Solution the training we deliver is one route to successfully transitioning each department to the new way of working and the challenges the change brings to the interactions between team members and other departments.

Training can be delivered in a classroom style setting or in the departments themselves. All the training is held in-house to ensure that the internal company systems can be used during the training, allowing the individuals to interact with their teams in a hands-on environment to learn and discover the changes, with the help of a qualified trainer from the Noctua Solutions team.

We understand that every individual is different; their training needs differ, behaviours differ and level of understanding differs, therefore the departmental training is all about the interactions, delivery and support needed to best transition the change.

To find out more about the training we offer, please fill in our contact form and we will be in touch.