
Spreadsheet Manipulation

Analysing and manipulating large sets of data and the worry that it isn't telling the full story, can often feel overwhelming. With more and more data being generated every day and the management of the data becoming more and more important:

  • How do you covert the raw data into meaningful information that tells you the facts and figures about what’s happening in your company?

  • How do you target the areas that need the most help?

  • How do you identify opportunities that will enhance your business?

  • How do you become more proactive with how you deal with new and existing business?

What you want the raw data to become is information to move your business forward. With the help of the Noctua Solutions team of specialist Excel Business Analysts, you can transform existing spreadsheets or build new ones, so that you can effectively manage your data, ensuring; data integrity, links are pointing to the right information and most importantly that the information you need is accurate and available as and when you need it. We can create visualisations that will give you the means of quickly analysing the data, so you can target areas of concern or improvement and point you in the direction of your successes. If you already have Microsoft Office or Office 365, then you already have the tools. Our team can help you develop those tools to make your business insightful, proactive and ahead of the curve.

The Noctua Solutions team ensures ease of use for the end user. We can provide up-front or on-going training on a one-to-one basis or in group sessions.