
Web Design

Noctua Solutions offers a design solution geared towards bettering your web presence, that can greatly increase sales and growth.

  • Are you looking to improve your website user experience?
  • Are you being penalised by Google for not being mobile friendly?
  • Or are you in need of a complete redesign to give your company a fresh new start?

We specialise in UX/UI design and work with your exisiting framework and functionality. With a good knowledge of .Net, Visual Basic, C#, MVC, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax and more, we use Visual Studio to bring your website to life.

All our designs are fully responsive, using Bootstrap we make your website resize for ease of use with different devices from mobile to tablet to desktop PC. No more need for that second mobile friendly version, you'll only need to maintain one website.

If you're only looking for design and layout, or even a new logo, we have the necessary skills to provide a professional and modern solution.

To find out more about our services fill in our contact form and we will be in touch.