

Creating a presentation that will deliver your message with impact, can be difficult to do. You know what you want to say, but don’t know how to say it effectively to an audience.

This is where the Noctua Solutions team can help. Our Microsoft PowerPoint specialists can help bring your presentation to life. We don’t just tidy up existing presentations, we have the know-how and experience to take a hand written, scrawled piece of paper and transform it into a visually stimulating and informative slide that will grab the attention of your audience and initiate the response you were hoping to achieve.

We produce presentations which can be used as an on-screen slide show with or without animation and/or spectacular transitions; or which can be printed out as a hard copy for perusal by your audience; or we can combine the two by giving you an on-screen slide show and a hard copy for the audience to take away.

We will produce the work expertly aligned with your own corporate image, using your colour scheme, logo, branding and font styles.

Our expert designers will, when appropriate, make suggestions about how to achieve maximum impact so that you get your message across. We will check grammar, spelling, word usage and alignment to eliminate anything which could possibly distract the attention of your audience.

Let us work with you to create a masterpiece from your ideas to capture your audience from start to finish.

To find out more about our services fill in our contact form and we will be in touch.